18–21 september
bargehouse, oxo tower wharf, london

the brands taking part

Material Matters showcases a curated mix of over 50 world-leading brands, designers, makers and organisations to celebrate the importance of materials and their ability to shape our lives. From product design, furniture and lighting to metal, ceramics, textiles or technology, the brands and makers on display are at the leading edge of contemporary design.



CascadeUp brings UCL and UK CLT’s bio-based, circular economy innovation to life. It’s a world first pilot transforming waste timber from demolition into a modular building, delivered by Colin Rose, Jonas Breidenbach and Patrick Quinn. Timber that would have entererd demolition has instead been collected then prepared for reuse and manufactured into ‘cross-laminated secondary timber’ (CLST) and ‘glued-laminated secondary timber’ (glulamST). This innovation provides a low-carbon alternative to structural materials such as concrete and steel. CLST and glulamST have a fully traceable, local, socially fair supply chain. Implemented at scale this circular system drives new employment opportunities in reclamation and manufacturing close to cities.

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